Tuesday, 30 June 2015
June Review
*Planning a 4th birthday party for Kobe bear. He has asked for LOTS of junkfood. Hopefully I will be able to make a rainbow cake for him.
*Shocked at this brawl between parents at a kids playcentre... Reminds me of the time when I was a kid & my sister smartmouthed another smartmouthed kid so her mum said it was ok to smack my sister or if she couldn't catch her, me. What a stupid parent...
*Baking any lemon based recipe with lemons from my mums tree.
*Craving butter mixed with sugar & dough?!?
*Cringing over Kobe calling his aunty & nano "dumb sh1ts". Eek!
*Mending missing buttons, dropped hems & holes to make use of the clothes I already have. I still cant stop fantasizing & pinning my dream outifits on Pinterest.
*Searching for the perfect retro fabric to make curtains for the bedroom.
*Loving Game of Thrones. C'mon Sansa & Reek drum up some courage!
*Grateful for Luke painting the bedroom. So over boring white walls. Hello light grey walls.
*Having a mini breakdown over everything that has to be done before bambino 2#. Oh pregnancy hormones are here...
*Enjoying sister time before my twin sister jetted off travelling again. It went too fast!
*Reading about Kit Willows new eco label KITX.
*Worried about this immunisation article.
*Oops about being a day late posting this.
Happy Wednesday friends!
#Sidenote; Photo taken at King Neptune which I heard may be demolished soon, so if you want to visit I would do so asap!
Saturday, 20 June 2015
What I wore: trench coat
Winter doesn't give me much fashion inspiration. Most days I like to hang out in a pair of comfy trackies til I leave the house for a playdate or errands that it. I have had this coat for about 10 years since I bought it at a consignment shop in Perth which sadly is no longer there. Its my winter wardrobe staple. So versatile & easy to throw on over an outfit, I think it suits this vintage tiger themed dress to a T. Im also loving the cape jackets Im seeing about.
Im finding Winter & being pregnant is leaving my hair & skin ultra dry so I have started using a couple products to put moisture back into my body. Matrix scalpsynx soothing serum does exactly that & soothes my flaky scalp. I loved it so much I got the Matrix repairinside control cream which I use twice a week after conditioning my hair with apple cider vinegar. It gives my hair a healthy bounce. And last of all Palmers cocoa butter on my growing belly. Its stop the skin itching as its naturally stretches to fit growing baby 2#. I used bio oil in my last pregnancy but it left me with rashes? I don't really use many products as Im wary about what goes into/on my body but Im content to add these to my beauty essentials.
What I wore; trench coat, vintage dress/ both thrifted. Shoes/ Country Road. Ring/ borrowed.
I hope your enjoying your weekend wherever you are. Its raining here in Perth so Im hanging for some sunshine!
Happy Saturday friends!
What I wore
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Winter Warmers wishlist
I spent a big chunk of last week fighting off the cold (with Kobe too, Luke managed to dodge it) but felt better come weekend & now it seems the cold wasn't done with me. Round 2... As a believer of buying well but buying less (hence not buying crap) here is my round up of things that would certainly keep me sane & warm during this chilly weather.
1. Its seems one of my pyjama pants has a giant hole in the back (which ofcourse I noticed once I no doubt flashed the neighbourhood when taking Kobe out early morning to see the rubbish truck on bin day, ehhh). The Good Society makes pyjamas pants (amongst other products) with organic cotton & are dyed with water based inks. A perfect replacement me thinks.
2. My kind friend Haelee gifted me with some of this delightful hot chocolate & Im now convinced baby 2# may come out dripping in chocolate. Its the best & I cant get enough!!!
3. I cant not include the sweetest handmade bear blanket I spotted on instagram. Lucky baby wrapped up warm in this! The elephant & lion blankies are just as sweet!!!
4. If I get some free time for sewing, I would love to sew this 60's style cape.
5. Renewed Vintage ebay shop has a lovely selection of preloved clothes. I practically live in denim so Im naturally lusting after this chambray shirt.
6. Whats not to like about a raincoat upcycled from preloved fabric which is then laminated to make it waterproof. Due to this each raincoat is a one off individual piece.
7. I happily scored a wheat pack in a waste not want not gathering I held between a few friends a few months back & it has been a saviour of sorts for aches & pains. The talented Sarah makes these cute moustache themed wheatpacks.
#Double checking that everyone knows wheat packs are not suitable bed warmers as the risk of fire is high if overheated. Stick to hot water bottles for bed warmers.
8. This handknitted Super Mario hotwater bottle has long been sold off Etsy but why not give new life into any old knits or moth chewed knits by making them into hotwater bottle covers. Even handy for the pets during the freezing nights.
Well I hope everyone is well & germ free.
Happy Wednesday friends!
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
What I wore: Kimono

I have been enjoying getting out while the sun is still shining & catching up with my sister the last month or so before she jets off travelling yet again. I have also been enjoying spending any free time at night watching all the reality shows based around giving birth or parenthood; I bingewatched on ABC iview Daddy daycare about dads who need to be more hands on who are sent to spent a week at a daycare (one of them stepped up so much he was offered a job at the end of the week!!!) & Midwives has me crossing my legs when its time to give birth. I also love One born every minute about birth stories in a maternity ward & the spin off series about the dads & their view on being a parent looks interesting. My favourite reality parenting program was Crash test mummies and daddies about new parents coping with newborns which I watched last year. Its hard to believe in 4 short months I will be a mama to 2 boys. And Luke & I haven't really come up with many names yet... Luckily Kobe threw Spogus & Tom in the naming game as options...

Anyhow lets talk about this outfit. Kimonos are perfect to throw over any plain Jane outfit to give it a bit of edge. This one is actually a Victoria secret robe worn as a kimono. I saw the bow detailing on the sleeve & knew we would be friends forever. I found these high waisted dark denim jeans whilst doing a closet purge that I wore in my last pregnancy. They have a loose elasticated waist which Im grateful for as I can no longer fit most of my pants. I really want to steer clear of maternity pants or those fabric waistbands.
What I wore; Victoria secret robe worn as kimono, scarf, denim jeans/all thrifted. Shoes/ bought in Singapore over 7 years ago. Clutch/ hand me down from sister. White t-shirt/ Bonds.
Happy Tuesday friends!
Sidenote; I was naughty & broke my buy nothing new rule & bought the Bonds tshirt new.
What I wore
Thursday, 4 June 2015
DIY: fabric ice cream cones
We have massive sweet tooths in my house. Combine that with my lastest habit of clearing out plastic toys (or the plastic grocery food to be exact) from our house & thought I would combine this to make ice cream cones out of fabric.
I used spotted fabric (for the cone base), wool, coloured felt, buttons & shoulder pads (for stuffing or you could use scrap fabric but I had these that I ripped out of some 80's clothes).
1. For the cone base, I cut out a rectangle approximately 27cms width by 32cms length. Then I cut out strips of wool which I sewed diagonally both ways via zigzag stitch. This made the wafer pattern on the cone.
2. Then on the wrong side of fabric, I folded the fabric in halfway horizontally then marked with chalk a vertical foldline. Using the vertical chalkline as a guide, at the bottom I marked 0.5cms each side & at the top I marked 6.5cms each side of the foldline then I sewed from top to bottom of each side so that I was left with a cone shape. I turned the fabric inside out so it resembled a cone & didn't bother to trim the excess fabric as its needed for stuffing.
3. For extra stuffing. I folded shoulder pads & stuffed them inside the cone.
4. If your making a plain single scoop cone, Its easier to wrap a piece of fabric around a shoulder pad (that you squished into a ball shape) & tie it up sort of resembling a ghost. Then you can handsew the scoop onto the cone. For the chocolate icing with sprinkles, I sewed all the buttons on, then handstitched this onto the vanilla ice cream. For the 3 flavour ice cream, I cut out 3 circles roughly 21cms in diameter. I stuffed them with shoulder pads & handsewed them together, it ended up being a super sized ice cream cone which is every kids dream really!!! They are perfect to take on pretend play picnics:)
If sewing isn't your thing, these freezy dream felt ice cream treats are divine. And if you need some more ice cream inspiration I cross stitched this icecream pillow a while back & the Sack me "Haute bites" collection Sunday sundae doona (& not to mention the rest of the range) is adorable! I literally want to eat the whole range & all the style props too...
Happy Thursday friends!
Sidenote: I wouldn't recommend sewing on buttons as sprinkles for children under 3 (or even 4 depending on child) as its a choking hazard.
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