Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Festive crafts

Im always itching for a creative project. Here are a few we have done lately. These photo props (above) are perfect for New Years Eve.

We never got around to making Christmas cards this year so I asked Kobe to pick 6 people (who live in our area) that he can write a new years card to & attach a homemade birdfeeder.
Inspired by this delightful Christmas tree outfit, I sewed this Christmas tree hat for Kobe.
Cant go past a paper plate craft project when you have kids.
And a couple projects from last years Christmas.
"Cardboard" gingerbread house.
Decorating tree & snowflake cookies.
Im looking forward to being more organized for more creative projects in 2016.
Happy Wednesday friends!

Saturday, 5 December 2015

12 days of kindness

Wanting to do something different than an advent calender for Kobe. I remembered The 14 acts of kindness list I made for Kobe a few months back & thought we could continue the good deeds theme. Then my good friend Haelee past on this article about kindness elves that I thought yes Im going to have a kindness elf drop off notes for 12 days of December that Kobe can carry out to spread the Christmas cheer. I tried to even out the deeds between charitable deeds, some that benefited me (you can easily guess those ones hee hee:)) & some crafty ones to keep it fun for him.

Good deeds.
* Prepare & donate a Christmas cheer box.
* Give a gift to a disadvantaged child (via the Kmart wishing tree, we do this every year:)).
* Make with love some Christmas cards to give to friends.
* Spell mummy & draw a picture of mummy.
* Be courteous & don't disturb your brother while he is eating & sleeping.
* Support a local business (we are going to choose a real (but small) Christmas tree from a Christmas tree farm).
* Donate a bag of toys.
* Bake treats to share with friends (It shall be gingerbread cookies ofcourse).
* Collect toiletries to give to the homeless.
* Do something kind for the environment.
* Say thank you to your teachers for all they do.
* Make cookies for Santa's reindeers to say thank you for helping Santa deliver toys.

I wrote the notes on tiny pieces of paper & placed them in numbered wooden boxes which Kobe opens daily. He is obsessed with letters & spelling at the moment so he is loving this activity. Im going to make it an annual tradition & get Dylan involved too when he is old enough.

Happy Saturday friends!

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

November Review

Wondering why we have toys in the house when Kobe prefers boxes & recycling? And yes we made a rubbish truck out of boxes:)
Feeling inspired to create Christmas gifts.
Relieved Dylan is now immunised so can start taking him out without worrying of whooping cough & mumps.
Happy Kobe has embraced Harry Potter.
Overindulging in McFrappes. Oh how I have missed you so!
Wishing that Kobe would stop poking/prodding Dylan while he ate/slept.
Excited Sooty is back on tv.
Over processed food.
Craving these Turkish coffee creams.
Thinking this is the prettiest Christmas themed window display ever!!!
Laughing because this quote is so me.
Isn't this bag just delightful?
Reading the lastest Peppermint magazine.

Happy Tuesday friends!