Wanting to do something different than an advent calender for Kobe. I remembered
The 14 acts of kindness list I made for Kobe a few months back & thought we could continue the good deeds theme. Then my good friend Haelee past on
this article about kindness elves that I thought yes Im going to have a kindness elf drop off notes for 12 days of December that Kobe can carry out to spread the Christmas cheer. I tried to even out the deeds between charitable deeds, some that benefited me (you can easily guess those ones hee hee:)) & some crafty ones to keep it fun for him.
Good deeds.
* Prepare & donate a
Christmas cheer box.
* Give a gift to a disadvantaged child (via the
Kmart wishing tree, we do this every year:)).
* Make with love some Christmas cards to give to friends.
* Spell mummy & draw a picture of mummy.
* Be courteous & don't disturb your brother while he is eating & sleeping.
* Support a local business (we are going to choose a real (but small) Christmas tree from a Christmas tree farm).
* Donate a bag of toys.
* Bake treats to share with friends (It shall be gingerbread cookies ofcourse).
* Collect toiletries to give to the homeless.
* Do something kind for the environment.
* Say thank you to your teachers for all they do.
* Make cookies for Santa's reindeers to say thank you for helping Santa deliver toys.
I wrote the notes on tiny pieces of paper & placed them in numbered wooden boxes which Kobe opens daily. He is obsessed with letters & spelling at the moment so he is loving this activity. Im going to make it an annual tradition & get Dylan involved too when he is old enough.
Happy Saturday friends!