Sadly Kobe no longer willingly wants me to read to him. Instead I have to force "storytime" on him daily. I try to take him to the local library every fortnight so he can pick out a couple books & dvds to encourage reading what he wants to. To celebrate the end of children's bookweek, here are a few books that I cant recommend more, that don't bring out a tantrum when I mention "storytime".
1. The Mr Men range. I loved these as a child too. Kobe's favourite is Mr Bump. He would be Mr Destructive if was a character lol.
2. Bugs Galore by Peter Stein. Lots of illustrations of bugs & creepy crawlies that every boy is bound to love. Plus the words are rhyming. We stumbled across this book at the library. I don't want to return it...
The following books I found at opshops...
3. When Im big by Dick Bruna. Every page shows a person doing an activity like dancing, gardening, collecting stamps.
4. Mr Bear's apple tree. A brilliant book that children can count the apples on Mr Bear's apple tree which slowly disappear one by one as the hungry bee's eat them. The words are rhyming & it helps teaches Kobe to count.
5. Munch Bunch book series by Giles Reed about fruit & vegetable people. We have "learn the alphabet", "learn to count" & "learn the days of the weeks-months-seasons". Im slowly collecting any I find at the opshops/markets/ebay. I had these books when I was little & I wish I kept them. The only problem I had was the "learn the season", the pictures don't match Australian seasons but other than that, they are great!
6. Helping kids help themselves book range by Joy Berry. I have the original prints but they are still available to buy via her website. She covers topics like "lets talk about being greedy", "lets talk about being wasteful" & "lets talk about being destructive" amongst others. I find its handy to pull out whatever topic I need to discuss with Kobe & he has a better understanding by me reading it to him in a book than me lecturing him off in general. Seriously every kindergarten & preschool should have a copy of these books!
What are your children's favourite books or your favourite book as a child?
Happy Sunday friends!